Information about region - list of participating municipalities
This project will be realized at the top part basin of river Ondava. Most of the area belongs to the administrative district of Svidník, a small part of the north west basin belongs to the district Bardejov (upper Zemplín). Total area of the solved basin in Ondava is 332km2. In this area there is 44 municipalities with a total polupation of 8120 people.
Solved region presents a stream area of river Ondava and its numerous tributaries. It is a flysch mountain area of Nizke Beskydy on a borders with Poland, characteristic with numerous springs, bogs and streams, which are entering the river Ondava above intravilan of the Svidník city.
This area is dominated by forestry and agriculture, witch justified the current character of country with the all negative changes and impacts in theland and their enviromental problems, including floods, soil erosion and biodiversity loss.
List of participating municipalities:
OBEC | area (ha) | population | first historical record |
Belejovce | 308 | 22 | 1600 |
Bodružal | 724 | 54 | 1600 |
Cigla | 488 | 94 | 1427 |
Dlhoňa | 885 | 72 | 1618 |
Dobroslava | 558 | 35 | 1600 |
Dubová | 1 255 | 222 | 1355 |
Havranec | 764 | 13 | 1618 |
Hunkovce | 696 | 332 | 1548 |
Hutka | 369 | 85 | 1618 |
Jedlinka | 456 | 75 | 1567 |
Jurkova Voľa | 741 | 82 | 1600 |
Kapišová | 662 | 358 | 1548 |
Kečkovce | 1 280 | 224 | 1582 |
Korejovce | 406 | 62 | 1600 |
Krajná Bystrá | 894 | 385 | 1618 |
Krajná Poľana | 294 | 206 | 1618 |
Krajná Porúbka | 373 | 55 | 1582 |
Krajne Čierno | 657 | 79 | 1618 |
Kružlová | 828 | 658 | 1414 |
Ladomírová | 1 539 | 1 010 | 1414 |
Medvedie | 505 | 49 | 1572 |
Mikulášová | 799 | 136 | 1414 |
Nižná Jedľová | 475 | 89 | 1572 |
Nižná Písaná | 738 | 85 | 1600 |
Nižná Polianka | 588 | 255 | 1435 |
Nižný Komárnik | 1 238 | 156 | 1618 |
Nižný Mirošov | 699 | 254 | 1567 |
Nižný Orlík | 929 | 289 | 1357 |
Ondavka | 347 | 20 | 1618 |
Príkra | 929 | 12 | 1618 |
Roztoky | 1 126 | 347 | 1435 |
Svidnička | 572 | 124 | 1572 |
Šarbov | 844 | 12 | 1618 |
Šarišské ?ierne | 1 401 | 307 | 1414 |
Šemetkovce | 707 | 83 | 1572 |
Vagrinec | 552 | 122 | 1548 |
Vápeník | 377 | 40 | 1600 |
Varadka | 737 | 196 | 1492 |
Vyšná Jedľová | 508 | 200 | 1572 |
Vyšná Písaná | 949 | 80 | 1600 |
Vyšná Polianka | 569 | 111 | 1572 |
Vyšný Komárnik | 660 | 73 | 1600 |
Vyšný Mirošov | 1 270 | 569 | 1567 |
Vyšný Orlík | 1 472 | 388 | 1414 |
Together | 33 168 | 8 120 |
Ondava pre život
Obnova ekosystémových funkcií krajiny horného povodia rieky Ondavy
Obec Nižná Polianka
Mysli globálne, konaj lokálne – Think globally, act locally
„Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway“
„Co‐financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic“
„Projekt je financovaný z grantov Islandu, Lichtenštajnska a Nórska prostredníctvom
Finančného mechanizmu EHP a zo štátneho rozpočtu Slovenskej republiky“
„Spolufinancované zo štátneho rozpočtu Slovenskej republiky“